Podcast episode #02: Ida Funke and Jeff Taylor

Ida Funke and Jeff Taylor Brisbane’s musical talents: Ida Funke and Jeff Taylor, saxophonist and guitar player have a conversation. Ida is one of the promising new voices of the West Coast. Despite her young age (17), she has a unique vocal style and personality. Jeff Taylor, who was born in Canada is one undoubtedly…
Podcast episode #01: Ron Davis

Ron Davis Tom Seawell interviews our host, Ron Davis. They will discuss Ron’s life and his relationship with the Brisbane community, as well as his projects, and the purpose and inspiration for making this podcast. Ron Davis was born and raised in San Francisco and knows the region very well and everything its cities…
The tax trap of the “Boomer”

One item that doesn’t come up much is the taxation of selling a family home. I meet with many people who because of their length of ownership cannot afford to sell their home. Let me explain. If you bought a home years ago for let’s say $250,000 and now the home is worth $1,500,000 you…
30 Years in Real Estate? I’m just getting started!

Today is a special day. 30 years ago today I earned a license to sell Real Estate. I thank my friend, Ray Etzler for the encouragement at the time. We were on a phone call about two weeks after I broke my thumb at work. l and he said “you should look into selling…
Morning Routine Sounding Like A Hit Song?

I was chatting over coffee with a musician friend Johnny Blair recently at Madhouse Coffee. We have coffee every Wednesday morning with a couple of other entrepreneurs to discuss business, life hacks and other interesting topics that arise such as our morning routines. This would be considered like an idea “jam session” of sorts. We…
I Am Not The Hero!

As a Real Estate Broker, I have helped hundreds of people move. It can be a stressful time in a person’s life especially if they don’t know where they’re headed or if they don’t want to move but circumstances drive the decision. Divorce, losing a job and many factors create stress. The people that are…