I Am Not The Hero!

As a Real Estate Broker, I have helped hundreds of people move. It can be a stressful time in a person’s life especially if they don’t know where they’re headed or if they don’t want to move but circumstances drive the decision. Divorce, losing a job and many factors create stress. The people that are the most inspiring to me are the ones who know where they’re going and have new life experiences waiting ahead. Stopping everything in your life and making a change can be exciting. No risk no reward right? I’ve had clients move onto sailboats for an exciting adventure, move to that one level retirement home in the country with a pool or even just downsize to shed some expenses so that they can travel. There are also the people who are stuck. Fear comes easy for them. Do I do this or that? Do I go here or there? Being stuck is no fun. The decision to move on for this group is made for them. Breaking a hip, running out of money or a significant illness may cause the move to happen at an inconvenient time. It pays to plan!

As I see it, the people who take action and follow their dreams and plans are the heroes. I have been blessed to work with a few folks this year that was very inspiring. One family moved to Germany another downsized to a home out of the area with a pool. Another is planning to take time off to walk the Appellation Trail. How cool is that?

In the story, I see these guys as the hero. Making big life decisions can be daunting for some people who all have different challenges and obstacles to overcome. For some it’s getting the home ready for others, it’s the task of getting the house cleaned out, dealing with years of accumulation. For some, it’s the challenge of closing out an estate of a loved one from across the country. For others, it’s just the emotional challenge of taking the next step in life. I love it when I can help guide my clients through the process to a successful outcome.

When it’s time to make a move give me a call or send me an email. I will do my best to work with you to create a plan and guide you to a successful outcome. I have put together a book that outlines this. It’s called Ron’s Ultimate Guide To Selling Your Home. I will be happy to send a copy to you just request it at [email protected]. Or check out the book HERE!

Mike and Valerie review

Ron brings such a broad knowledge to the process of selling your home. We especially valued his book, which addressed all stages of selling one’s home, practical advice that we checked back in on periodically. Ron has an extensive online presence that supports his sale plan and a personable real-life presence that closes the deal. And he always stays in touch, lets you know what’s going on!”

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